ZKM – Intelligent Museum Residency
We are glad to be part of ZKM’s Intelligent Museum Project! During our residency this summer at Hertz-Lab, we will develop a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to enable the audience to collectively teach the swarm new behaviours through Rewarding or Punishing their actions in certain states!
In September we will present the results and devise learning experiments in collaboration with Deutsches Museum in Munich / Nuremberg. Looking forward to exiting next steps for our swarm!!
Funded by the Digital Culture Programme of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation).
Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Goverrnment Commisioner for Culture and Media).
The work is developed in the framework of the “Intelligent Museum Residency” at ZKM and Deutsches Museum.