Author Archives: katrinHochschuh
Curious Tautophone travels Australia for 3 years!
Curious Tautophone – Tensor Field Ontology is part of the Triennial Experimenta Make Sense
© Katrin Hochschuh & Adam Donovan
MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication!
Now it’s been one month in Zürich already!
architecture world 2015
“4D. Mobile Museum Prototypes – Temporäre Materialien für temporäre Architektur” lautet der Titel meines Vortrags auf dem diesjährigen Architekturkongress “architecture world” in Münster.
“4D . Mobile Museum Prototypes – Temporary Materials for temporary Architecture” is the title of my talk at the “architecture world 2015”, an architecture conference in Münster, NRW.
4D. mobile museum prototypes auf BauNetz
Der Entwurf “4D. mobile museum prototypes” nimmt an dem BauNetz-Absolventenwettbewerb “Campus Masters” teil.
The design “4D. mobile museum prototypes” is taking part in the competition “Campus Masters” on the German architecture plattform BauNetz.

Traveling the World!
Thailand, Indien, China
Master of Science in Architecture !!!
Urkundenverleihung und Aufbruch in die Zukunft!